Cassette PickUp Unit 70 Series

The paper inside the cassette is held up by the lifter plate.
When pickup takes places, the pickup roller moves down to come into contact with the surface of paper.

The pickup roller is moved down when the pickup solenoid is goes ON.
The feed roller and the separation roller serve to make sure that a single sheet of paper is moved to the feed path.

And the paper is moved as far as the registration roller by the work of vertical path roller.

The pickup vertical path roller, pickup roller, feed roller and separation roller are driven by the cassette pickup motor.

Part of Cassette Pickup Unit:
Cassette paper sensor.
Pickup roller.
Feed roller.
Separation roller.
Pickup vertical path roller.
Cassette retry paper sensor.
Vertical path guide.
Lower right cover.
Holding plate.
Lifter plate.

4 komentar:

  1. maksih kunjungannya :D hehe.. kamera digital sob. tu di pare. rata2 cafe di pare lesehan kok. pecel pincuk mantap euy..

  2. Aduh postingannya b.Bule saya jd pyeng UM heheheh...ikut nyimak sajah ah...!!

    Sukses slalu.

  3. Assalamu'alaikum....
    Silaturrahim pagi kunjungan balasan
    Salam ukhuwah, thx kunjungannya.

    wah...ini tentang spare part fc ya. Duuh lumayan ribet yo. Dikasih sedikit ulasan yg bahasa kita di akhirnya biar lbh mantap.

    Sukses sll... :)

  4. Weleh.. ndue Blog bahasa asing toh disini hhe... Mantabz surantap Cak... Sebenernya aku ra terlalu mudeng sama mesin Fotocopyan ... tapi tak coba baca samboil ngartiin dlu deh hhe.. :P


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