What is SST

The service support tool (SST) is a software tool (program) for downloading firmware and uploading / downloading backup data in the field by connecting a personal computer (PC) to the digital copiers.

Target Models of digital copiers SST v3.02 is applicable to the following digital copiers and connectors:

  • CLC/CP/GP Series 

  • iR Series 
iR2200/5000/7200/8500/105/2220/5020/ iR2270 etc.
  • iRC Series 
iRC3100/3200/6800 etc.
  • iR1600/2000 Series 
Accessories Finishers E1, J1, and L1 which store firmware in flash ROM. Note that the flash ROM may be changed to mask ROM in the course of production, in which case firmware download becomes impossible

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